Monday, April 7, 2014

Prayer Ministry - April Prayer

April, A Prayer for Leaders.

Holy and Righteous Lord, we come before you knowing that you are the one true King (1 Timothy 1:17).  You reign supreme over Heaven and Earth (Psalm 95:3).  As your children, we answer to You above all others (Romans 3:19).  We accept Jesus Christ as the ultimate Lord of our lives, and devote our lives to furthering your Kingdom.  When our Judgment comes, You will be our Judge (Acts 17:31), and we submit to You first.

Like the Children of Israel before us, God, we choose to answer to earthly leaders (1 Samuel 8:5).  We pray together in Christian Unity for those leaders.  We pray for the leaders of all nations, Father.  Like Pharaoh, they were raised to power so that Your Glory and Power might be displayed (Exodus 9:16).  We pray that they have the integrity to hold the interests of their people above their own personal ambitions.  We pray that they have the patience to hold their actions until the wise path is clear.  We pray that they have the self-awareness to realize that they need Your counsel with each of their decisions (Proverbs 12:15).

We also pray for the leaders of our churches.  The Good Shepherd founded the church on Peter the Rock.  Christ’s church has many parts, but is one body.  Some of those parts are called to preach, and some are called as elders and deacons.  We pray that You give them wisdom (James 1:5).  We pray that you give them wisdom to make sound decisions for Your children based on Bible instruction.  We ask for the Holy Spirit to lead them down Your paths, and for them to always be listening for Your guidance (1 Corinthians 1:25).

Father, as the devil attacks us, we know that he attacks leaders even harder.  We ask for their protection from spiritual attacks and for them to be able to find peace and rest to keep their minds clear in order to hear Your whispers.  In our world of full schedules and endless distractions, provide quiet time to study Your Word and meditate on Your lessons (Psalm 46:10).

Lastly Holy God, we pray your continued blessings on those who put their trust in You (Romans 8:28).  As a country and as a church, we pray not just for the leaders, but also for those they are leading.  We pray that we never become complacent in our thirst for knowledge of You and rely completely on church sermons as our sole source of Bible instruction (Proverbs 1:5). Just as Achan at the battle of Ai affected Joshua and cost thirty-six men their lives, the actions of one can be a costly detriment to the most faithful leaders (Joshua 7).  In all we do we ask for help to remain faithful to Your Will.  A train on rail with a single destination is easier to steer than a small boat being tossed about in an ocean of doubt (Proverbs 3:6).  May we always choose the narrow path despite the pull of the world to take the easy, wide road.

We ask this and all else in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
