Thursday, August 7, 2014

Prayer Ministry - August Prayer, a Prayer for Education

August – A Prayer for Education


Holy God, our Father and Teacher (Isaiah 28:26), we come before You this month to lift up to You those that will soon be returning to school – public school, private school, home school, and Bible school.
We ask for perseverance for the students that they may overcome the obstacles in their paths.  Children face many challenges as they go through school.  Some struggle with learning.  Some struggle with social acceptance.  Some struggle with hunger.  Others struggle with knowing humility and placing You first.  All students, however, need You to be with them to lean on for strength and hope when things seem to be getting out of control.  Help them to know that regardless of what they are taught about academics, without learning to know they need You, God, their education has failed them.  Children are not just our future, God.  Children are our now, and need to be prepared to expand Your kingdom.  Children are not just a gift from You (Psalm 127:3), God, they are our present.  They need our instruction now to be ready to do Your work.  We pray for their safety while the children are at school as the earth once again fills with violence, as it has before (Genesis 6:11).

We pray for teachers that teach them.  Help them to realize, Father, that not only are they teaching with their lesson plans, but they are also teaching by example with their actions.  Help the teachers to be Christian examples, even when they are not in a Christian environment (1 Corinthians 11:1).  Help them to teach the children that You are God over all and should be the first place to turn in times of trouble (Psalm 9:9).  Give them the courage to provide instruction as well as discipline when situations present themselves.  Not only do children need to be taught that things like gossiping and lying are wrong, they need to be taught why it’s wrong.  We ask for clear direction from Your Word and Your Holy Spirit on lessons that teachers need to teach to their students.  Of all the books from which students will learn, the Bible is the most important one.

Father, we pray for parents.  We ask that you give counsel to parents as we raise our children.  As children grow and learn, they experience new things in our world.  Some of the things they learn will confuse them as they see contradictions in what the world teaches and what You teach.  We pray for wisdom for parents to understand the situations in which their children are placed.  Whether it’s academic struggles, relationships with peers, or questions about their culture, children need to know that they can trust their parents to give them Godly advice.  Instead of seeing parents who indulge in the debauchery of the world, let children see parents who revel in the joy of Grace and a relationship with Jesus Christ.  We pray that children see their parents pray.  You’ve given the ultimate responsibility to parents to pass on Your teachings to children (Deuteronomy 6:6-9).  We pray for the commitment of parents to this responsibility, including a commitment to reading Your Word (Joshua 8:35).

We ask that You help us all to help the children to grow, like Jesus and Samuel before Him (Luke 2:52, 1 Samuel 2:26), in wisdom and in favor with God and man.  You gave this world to us to enjoy, both for its beauty and for exploration.  Children need to know the world if they’re to live in it, but they need to know You if they’re to understand why they don’t belong in the world (Hebrews 13:14).  We ask for Your gracious blessings on the children as they learn and grow.  We ask You to grant Your patience and guidance for those who instruct them in schools, Bible schools and at home.  Children are always learning, and You’ve given the responsibility to us to teach them about You and Your Word (Psalm 34:11).  We pray that we never get complacent, and never be negligent in our duties.

We continually pray in Jesus’ name,


(The Verses)

Isaiah 28:26 For his God instructs and teaches him properly.
Psalm 127:3 Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Genesis 6:11 Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence.
1 Corinthians 11:1 Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.
Psalm 9:9 The Lord also will be a stronghold for the oppressed, A stronghold in times of trouble;
 Deuteronomy 6:6-9 These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on our hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.
Joshua 8:35 There was not a word of all that Moses had commanded which Joshua did not read before all the assembly of Israel with the women and the little ones and the strangers who were living among them.
Luke 2:52 And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.
1 Samuel 2:26 Now the boy Samuel was growing in stature and in favor both with the Lord and with men.
Hebrews 13:14 For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.
Psalm 34:11 Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord

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