Monday, July 15, 2013

Forest For The Trees

Anybody who’s ever done any hunting or fishing has their own personal, quirky “you won’t believe it” hunting or fishing story.  My dad’s hunting story happened while he was muzzleloader hunting years ago.  He was sitting up in his stand all deer-hunter-like.  A deer came out into the open and stood there broadside for the perfect shot.  Dad took aim – and he was a great shot – and pulled the trigger.  The gun roared thunder, fire and smoke (the best part of muzzleloader hunting, if you ask me).  And the deer?  Oh, he ran away…White tail flagging its warning as he ran away unscathed.  Dad was thinking “surely I hit it”.  SO he climbed down from his stand and started looking around where he had seen (and shot) the miracle deer standing in the clearing.  Blood?  Blood?  My kingdom for some blood!  But, no, there was no blood.  It was apparently truly a miracle deer…or a zombie!!  It was a perfect shot, so it must be dead – and yet it ran away without a single drop of blood.  So as he was standing where the deer was, he turned and looked back toward his tree stand.  And right in a direct line between his stand and the “deer used to be here” spot, there was a small sapling tree.  “No way!” And sure enough as he walked around to his deer stand side of that little tree, there was his lead muzzleloader ball imbedded cleanly in the tree.  The only thing that stood between his deer stand and the deer was one little tree that he hadn’t even noticed as he had taken aim at the deer.  And that little tree stopped the bullet, and saved the deer’s life.  (Unless it was a zombie!!)

On a somewhat related but totally different note, there’s Jim Croce.  The American Folk singer who sang “Time In A Bottle”, “Alabama Rain”, and “You Don’t Mess Around With Jim” and had the thick, bushy Super Mario Brothers mustache before Super Mario Brothers mustaches were cool – THAT Jim Croce.  Who was not, by the way, a zombie.  He died in a plane crash five days after I was born.  He was in Louisiana and had just finished a concert at Northwestern State University an hour before the plane crash that took his life.  The crash was ultimately blamed on pilot error by the NTSB.  The plane had apparently clipped a lone pine tree near the end of the runway and crashed killing all four people on board.  The report stated that the pilot failed to see and avoid objects, and that the plane failed to achieve an altitude sufficient to clear the tree.  And the most sad and tragic part of the whole crash?  The investigators reported that the tree that the plane clipped was the only tree for hundreds of yards.

And a tale of two trees – like the devotional on the Tree of Life way back when – is what we have here.  One tree saved the life of a deer.  Another tree killed four people.  Both trees were alone in their surroundings.  Both were completely overlooked.  Two people with their eyes on what was lying beyond didn’t see the tree that was right in front of them.  Listen for the Whisper that sings in a George of the Jungle sorta way telling you to “watch out for that tree.”  Don’t be so focused on the “what lies beyond” and miss the tree.  Don’t miss the tree that causes you to stumble and miss your target.  The temptation that starts you down a road to addiction.  The person needing help that you overlook as you look way off into the distance.  Don’t miss the tree that creates an unchangeable outcome.  The tree of brash behavior.  The tree of unchristian living – of non-sacrifice that you don’t see in your own life.  Paul had a thorn and prayed for it to be removed.  God told him no, but Paul was aware the thorn was there.  Like the tree that stopped dad’s bullet, they don’t have to be big trees.  And like the solitary pine tree that killed Jim Croce, there doesn’t need to be lot of trees to cause you problems.  You can’t always remove the trees…but you need to be on the lookout for them just the same.  Avoid them if you can.  Ask for help climbing them if you can’t.  But watch out for the tree.  Heaven is our goal, but the devil is trying for all he’s worth to trip us up.  A tree to block the Gospel message…a tree to turn you from God.  Lots of different trees out there, but all it takes is one to change something forever.  Watch out for that tree.


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